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About Us

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Architectural Drafting & Design

Available Certification Prep

  • Autodesk Revit (Architecture Design II or Architectural Design II Workforce)
  • Autodesk AutoCAD (Architecture Design II or Architectural Design II Workforce)



National Technical Honor Society (NTHS)
may be available to students enrolled in CTE classes.

Mission: To honor student achievement and leadership in career and technical education, promote educational excellence, award scholarships, and enhance career opportunities for the NTHS membership.

Skills USA logo

Skills USA

Mission: Skills USA empowers its members to become world-class workers, leaders and responsible American citizens. SkillsUSA improves the quality of America's skilled workforce through a structured program of citizenship, leadership, employability, technical and professional skills training.

National Technology Student Association TSA

Technology Student Association (TSA)

Mission: The Technology Student Association enhances personal development, leadership, and career opportunities in STEM, whereby members apply and integrate these concepts through intracurricular activities, competitions, and related programs.

Employment Opportunities

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