Elementary Music
- Philosophy
- Key Components of Elementary Music Education
- Curriculum Goals
- National Standards for Music
- Music Memory
- Choral Festival
- Additional Information
Music is an integral part of the human design. It is present in every society, affects every part of the human experience, and expresses emotion. It is a vital developmental element in the education of children. The study of music provides the student the opportunity for participation directly contributing to aesthetic, kinesthetic, and cognitive growth; thus, music is taught to every student by a trained and qualified professional who guides students toward independent musical literacy in such a way that it is developmentally appropriate. Involvement is key to the music experience. Through participation, the student responds to aspects of the expressive quality of music by singing, moving, playing instruments, listening, and/or creating. The goal of the elementary music program is for each student to reach his or her fullest potential in music as shown through musical literacy, musicianship, creativity, and aesthetic sensitivity.
Key Components of Elementary Music Education
- Students explore the elements of music:
- Rhythm
- Dynamics
- Tempo
- Melody
- Form
- Timbre
- Pitch
- Harmony
- Meter
- Students develop understanding through sequenced skill development in listening, performing, and reading music.
- Students use thinking skills including:
- Problem-solving
- Organizing
- Evaluating
- Analyzing
- Defining
- Students learn connections to historical and cultural aspects through the study of music.
- For students, a well-balanced music curriculum promotes a lifelong appreciation and enjoyment of music.
- "Because music is a basic expression of human culture, every student should have access to a balanced, comprehensive and sequential program of study in music."
(National Standards for Art Education p. 26)
Curriculum Goals
- Perception - The student describes and analyzes musical sound and demonstrates musical artistry.
- Creative Expression/Performance - The student performs a varied repertoire of music.
- Historical/Cultural Heritage - The student relates music to history, to society, and to culture.
- Response/Evaluation - The student responds to and evaluates music and musical performance.
This curriculum includes all the objectives listed for Fine Arts – Music in Chapter 117, Subchapter A and issued under the Texas Education Code Chapter 28.002 of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, adopted 2013.
National Standards for Music
1. Singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
2. Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
3. Improvising melodies, variations, and accompaniments.
4. Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines.
5. Reading and notating music.
6. Listening to, analyzing, and describing music.
7. Evaluating music and music performances.
8. Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts.
9. Understanding music in relation to history and culture.
Source: (NAfME)
Music Memory
Music Memory Listening Selections
Each year, CFISD elementary campuses may choose to participate in a district music memory event. Participating campuses may bring seven students representing grade four, or grade five or a combination of students from both grades four and five. Music teachers prepare the students for the event by teaching eight great works of music representing a variety of music periods and composers. At the event, students listen to identify brief excerpts from the eight selections and answer questions related to each composition.
Choral Festival
Each April, CFISD elementary campuses may choose to participate in a district choral festival event. Participating campuses select a designated number of fifth grade students to perform as members of a combined choir. Music teachers work with the campus groups to prepare choral selections. On the afternoon of the event, participating students combine for a full rehearsal prior to the evening performance.