Off-Campus Physical Education / Health
The Texas Education Agency (TEA) allows districts to offer PE credit to students who demonstrate a high level of training in their sport. Districts develop a program based on criteria provided by TEA. CFISD has designed our program to accommodate students who are elite athletes participating and/or competing at an Olympic-level. These students are making a serious effort to develop higher-level skills in their specific activity that exceed what the campus can offer. Not every sport qualifies for OCPE. Individual sports or activities and team sports not offered in the district may qualify.
The CFISD board of trustees has approved a policy to use off-campus private or commercially sponsored physical activity programs in Category 1 as a substitution for middle and high school physical education courses in accordance with Texas Education Code and Texas Administrative Code.
Olympic-level participation and or competition must meet all the criteria below:
- Students are supervised a minimum of 15 hours per week with highly intensive professional training.
- The training facility, instructors, and the activities involved in the program are certified by the superintendent to be of exceptional quality
- The program requires students to engage in moderate to vigorous physical activity.
- Students qualifying and participating at this level are dismissed from school no more than one class period per day.
- Students do not miss any other class other than physical education.
Each student must submit an application for approval for the fall semester no later than May 1 or for the spring semester no later than November 1.
Each student must receive Board approval for participation in a program that meets the Category 1 criteria and that has been approved by the Off-Campus Physical Education department.
OCPE Contacts
Elaine Waier
CFISD Off-Campus Physical Education Coordinator
(281) 897-4140
Deborah Bartholomew
CFISD Off-Campus Physical Education Facilitator
(281) 517-2802
The application window for the Spring Semester 2025 is closed.
The application window for the 2025-26 school year begins on March 17, 2025, and ends on May 1, 2025.