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Adaptive Behavior

The Cypress-Fairbanks I.S.D. Adaptive Behavior (AB) program is a highly structured classroom setting designed for students with emotional and behavioral difficulties. The purpose of the class is to help students learn school behaviors, which will enable them to be successful in a less restrictive classroom setting (i.e. resource class or general education class). Although the primary focus is on teaching appropriate behaviors, academic instruction is also emphasized. Instruction is individualized according to student’s behavioral and academic functioning levels in accordance with their Individual Education Plans. A low student-teacher ratio helps ensure success.

There are four main components of the AB program:

  • Daily point sheet
  • Level system
  • Impulse control
  • Social Skills curriculum

The first three of these components provide for a very structured and success-oriented behavior management system, which gradually allows the student to assume more freedom(s) and responsibility, as he/she is able to accept and handle them appropriately.  The Social Skills curriculum is taught with awareness and practice in appropriate interaction skills in the areas of communication, assertiveness, responsibility, problem solving, and goal setting.