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Meet the Athletics Team

Meet the Athletics Team
The path to amazing athletics!


The District Athletics Team works directly with the Athletics Staff at each of our 20 middle schools and 12 high schools to coordinate logistics for all campus sports programs.

Our department is committed to offering diverse and enriching athletic programs, each designed to foster in every student athlete the growth of physical, mental, emotional, social, and moral strengths. Each of our athletic programs are carefully constructed around the premise that success is a choice: work diligently to build one’s self-esteem, set demanding goals, practice good sportsmanship, always remain positive, master the art of communication, seek out good role models, be determined and unwavering, learn from adversity, and celebrate the success of others.

Ours is a win-win philosophy: we earn respect and trust by being genuine, honest, fair, consistent, focusing on the best interest of the team, demonstrating that we care, communicating our expectations, staying positive at all costs, giving athletes credit for their contributions, winning humbly, and losing graciously.

Consistent with the vision of the Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District, the CFISD Athletic Department will provide an athletic program that helps develop the qualities of champions by empowering students to lead, dream and achieve through scholastic athletic competition emphasizing excellence and continual improvement.

We will maximize the potential of all our student-athletes and programs with a focus on scholastic and athletic excellence and service to our community.
