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CALI BEAR Christmas Toy Drive

Cali Bear Toy Drive


CALI BEAR Christmas Toy Drive

Last year, CALI (the CFISD Athletics Leadership Initiative), partnered with the BEAR Foundation and it was a big success! The BEAR Foundation is the only 501(c)(3) organization working with Harris County CPS and the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services. Their toy drive is centered around helping the 16,000 kids in the Harris county Child Protective services have a joyful Christmas.

This year, the CFISD Athletics Leadership Initiative will host the toy drive from TBD. Donations can be dropped off at any the CFISD middle or high schools listed below during the noted dates. Thank you for your support!

Toys needed:

  • New Born -12 Months: Nursery Toys, Teething Toys, Interactive Learning Toys (musical, counting, spelling, speech), Ride-On Toys, Sit-To-Stand Walkers, Activity Blankets, Soft Building Blocks
  • Toddlers: Interactive Learning Toys (VTECH/Leapfrog), Toy Trucks/Cars, Action Figures/Dolls (and accessories), Costume/Dress-Up Items, Sports Equipment (all types), Board Games, Puzzles, Bikes  (boxed, unassembled), Scooters, Building Blocks/Legos, Stuffed Animals, Play Food/Dishes
  • Children (up to 11 years old): Action Figures/Dolls, Bikes (boxed, unassembled), Scooters, Sports Equipment (all types), Tween Make-Up Sets, Arts and Crafts Kits, Science/Discovery Kits, Board Games, Puzzles, Legos, Portable DVD Players, Remote Control Cars/Helicopters
  • Children 12+: Tablets, Portable DVD Players, Bluetooth Headphones, Portable Speakers, Digital/Instant Cameras (with refills), Make-Up/Beauty Kits, Nail Polish Kits, Bath & Body Sets, Jewelry Items (both genders), Bikes (boxed, unassembled), Skateboards, Cologne/Perfume Sets, Purses or Backpacks, Wallets, Sports Equipment (all types)


Donations can be dropped off at the middle and high schools listed below or at these Tide Cleaners locations:

  • Grant Road Store - 13130 Louetta Rd.
  • Tuckerton Store - 9814 Fry Rd. #100 
  • Spring Cypress Store - 17330 Spring Cypress Rd. #190       
CALI BEAR Christmas Toy Drive