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Bond 2001

Total 2001 Bond Referendum: $470.5 million
Election Date: Dec. 8, 2001
Approval Rating: 85% approval

Berry Center
- The Richard E. Berry Educational Support Center (Berry Center) was funded by the 2001 Bond Referendum. This project was one of the nine schools and five support facilities, the bond package that the community-led bond steering committee recommended by passing the bond election in December 2001. The Berry Center relieved the demand for facilities for district-wide staff development for teachers and staff; graduation ceremonies; extra- and co-curricular activities, performances and competitions (choir, band, drama, UIL competitions, athletic events); and catering and banquets for honors, awards, and celebrations, as well as addressed community needs for meetings, events, and receptions. The Berry Center is available for non-district events such as concerts, business meetings, parties, and performances, subject to policies and guidelines for use of the facility. The 65-acre site that is also home to the district’s second athletic stadium is located at Barker Cypress and West Road. As a result of combining both facilities on the same site, the district realized a savings by sharing the parking lot.

The complex was designed by PBK Architects, Inc. along with their design consultant, HOK Sport Venue Event. The facilities were built by SpawGlass Construction. The total construction cost for the five facilities (arena, stadium, theater, conference center, and food production center) located at the Berry Center was $84 million. The Berry Center opened in May 2006 with Beth Wade, CFE, as General Manager.

Black Elementary School, Elementary School No. 43 - Opened in August 2006 and is located at Spring Cypress and Grant Road. This school was built from savings in construction costs and interest earned from the 2001 bond election. It was designed by PBK Architects, Inc. At the April 2005 board meeting, trustees approved the construction contract award to Drymalla Construction Company as part of the combined construction contract for Black and Postma elementaries totaling $20,347,000. Black provides enrollment relief to Farney, A. Robison, and Keith elementary schools.

Carlton Center - Opened in August 2006. The new building replaces the previous facility and was built in conjunction with Cypress Woods High School for cost savings.

Cypress Woods High School, High School No. 8 - Opened in August 2006. High School No. 8 and the new Carlton Center are located at the 182 acre multi-school site at Spring Cypress and Skinner and were designed by PBK Architects, Inc. The high school is a repeat of Cypress Ridge High School, which provided a reduction in architectural fees. Cypress Woods has a capacity of about 3,300 students.

Danish Elementary School, Elementary School No. 42 - Opened in August 2005 is located on a 10.9-acre site along Fallbrook just west of F.M. 1960. It was designed by PBK Architects, Inc. using similar plans used in the construction of Sampson, Ault, Gleason and Willbern. Danish provides enrollment relief to Adam, Emmott, Matzke, Millsap and Yeager elementary schools.

Duryea Elementary School, Elementary School No. 39 - Opened in August 2004 and is located at Arbor Creek and Fry Road. This school repeated the architectural designs used for Sampson and Gleason elementary schools with some modifications to the floor plan and main entrance and was designed by PBK Architects. The Board awarded a contract in the amount of $8,501,800 to Satterfield and Pontikes Construction, Inc for construction of Duryea Elementary School. The contract was approximately $1.1 million under projected construction costs.

Kahla Middle School, Middle School No. 14 - Opened in August 2005 and is located on the 50-acre site on West Little York between Highway 6 and Queenston Blvd. The construction contract for Kahla Middle School was awarded to Purcell Construction in the amount of $18,988,000. This bid came in $1,262,000 under the amount originally budgeted for this project. This school was modeled after the plans for Goodson Middle School and was designed by Bay Architects.

Keith Elementary School, Elementary School No. 40 - Opened in August 2004 and is located at Fairfield Green and Mason Road in the Fairfield subdivision. CLR Architects designed Keith Elementary with modifications to the architectural designs used in the construction of Walker and Robison Elementary. Variations in the designs for Keith Elementary include a different brick color and pattern as well as changes to the look of the main entrance.

Lee Elementary School, Elementary School No. 41 - Opened in August 2005 and is located on a 13-acre site along West Little York east of N. Eldridge Parkway. Lee Elementary & Danish Elementary represent the final two elementary schools approved in the 2001 bond election. Bay Architects, Inc. designed Lee Elementary using similar plans used in the construction of Tipps and Farney elementary schools. Lee provides enrollment relief to Bane, Gleason, Hairgrove, Horne, Kirk and Willbern elementary schools.

A. Robison Elementary, Elementary School No. 37 - Opened in August 2003 and is located near the intersection of Skinner and Spring-Cypress Roads. The Board awarded a contract to Drymalla Construction Company in the amount of $9,384,657 for the construction of Robison Elementary. CLR Architects designed this school. A. Robison provides enrollment relief to Ault, Farney, Lamkin, and Sampson elementary schools.

Spillane Middle School, Middle School No. 13 - Opened in August 2005 and is located on the 182-acre multi-school site at Jarvis and Skinner Road with A. Robison Elementary and Cypress Wood High School. The construction contract was awarded to Gamma Construction Company in the amount of $22,600,000, and was modeled after Aragon Middle School. Developed by SHW Group, Inc., it includes a practice swimming pool as well as a HVAC central plant that will serve all three schools built at that site. The bid for this project was $3,545,000 less than the amount that was budgeted in the 2001 bond proposal.

Tipps Elementary School, Elementary School No. 38 - Opened in August 2003 and is located on Queenston between West Little York and Kieth Harrow Boulevards. Purcell Construction was awarded this construction contract for $8,771,000, which was $729,000 under budget. Bay Architects modified the design of Farney Elementary. Tipps provides enrollment relief to Metcalf, Lieder, Sheridan, and Wilson elementary schools.