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6th Grade Full year theatre Presents: Storybook Theatre
Salyards Cafeteria/Commons

Storybook Court Full of Beans!

6th Grade Full year theatre Presents: Storybook Theatre 
Jan. 27 from 6-8 p.m.
Admission: $5

The 6th grade theatre class each performs a different night of storybook theatre.

Jack Beans is on trial for theft, and it’s up to your audience to determine if he’s guilty or innocent! In this madcap courtroom comedy, Jack and his lawyer Big Bad Wolf go head to head with Mrs. Helga Giant and her lawyer Red Riding Hood on Storybook Court to determine if Jack is guilty of stealing the Giants’ gold, goose, and harp.

With plenty of well-known characters as witnesses and members of the jury, it’s anyone’s guess as to how this trial will end. The Gingerbread Man could hardly sit still through the trial, and Grouchy was awfully... well... grouchy through the whole thing. But when juror member Sleeping Beauty falls sound asleep, it’s the audience that must vote to determine Jack’s fate! Your actors will love the challenge of learning two different endings. And who knows? With multiple performances, maybe your actors will get a chance to perform both!