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Arnold MS, Creekwood Grill establish Adopt-A-School partnership
Amby Clinkscale, Arnold Middle School principal, front row, right center, and Brian Sandel, owner of Creekwood Grill, second row, center, hold commemorative Adopt-a-School certificates as the campus and community partner announced on Sept. 24 that they officially entered into an adoption partnership. They were joined by Dawn Tryon, CFISD director of community engagement, and Arnold administration.

Amby Clinkscale, Arnold Middle School principal, front row, right center, and Brian Sandel, owner of Creekwood Grill, second row, center, hold commemorative Adopt-a-School certificates as the campus and community partner announced on Sept. 24 that they officially entered into an adoption partnership. They were joined by Dawn Tryon, CFISD director of community engagement, and Arnold administration.

Sept. 30, 2024—Representatives for Creekwood Grill visited Arnold Middle School on Sept. 24 to officially announce their Adopt-A-School partnership with the campus.

CFISD’s Adopt-a-School program pairs schools with community organizations and business partners to utilize resources of the community to strengthen and enrich the quality of education for students.

Brian Sandel, Creekwood Grill owner, expressed excitement to support Arnold students and staff.

Brian Sandel, owner of Creekwood Grill, signs an Adopt-a-School agreement after announcing their partnership with the campus on Sept. 24.

Brian Sandel, owner of Creekwood Grill, signs an Adopt-a-School agreement after announcing their partnership with the campus on Sept. 24.

“Every September, the CFISD superintendent gives a State of the District presentation to the community at the monthly Chamber of Commerce luncheon,” Sandel said. “As Dr. Killian went through the program, he highlighted all of the community engagement programs and noted that there were numerous campuses that still needed a business partner for the Adopt-a-School program. We adopted Millsap Elementary last year and that relationship has been so much fun and so rewarding. We were so excited to be able to partner with a school that is so close to us. That makes it easier for us to say yes when last-minute needs and requests come up. We are very excited to work with the team at Arnold. There is a special place in heaven for junior high teachers and administrators.”

Amby Clinkscale, Arnold principal, expressed her appreciation to Creekwood Grill for their commitment to support the campus.

“Arnold is thrilled to be adopted by Creekwood Grill,” said Clinkscale. “Creekwood is a favorite amongst our community. We look forward to partnering with Brian and his team to support our Buccaneer staff and students.”

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