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CFISD Student of the Week: Declan Castillo
SOTW Declan Castillo

Jan. 6, 2024—Bane Elementary School fourth grade student Declan Castillo is praised by his teachers for being an exemplary student.

School: Bane Elementary School

Age: 10

Grade: 4

Accomplishments: Declan is good at soccer and he has scored at the meets and masters level all year in reading/language arts, math and science.

Favorite class: “My favorite class is reading/language arts because we get prizes when we do well.”

Favorite things to do after class: “My favorite thing to do after class is play soccer at the park with my sister.”

Favorite Song: “Death is No More by Blessed Mane.”

Favorite Website/App: “At home I love Roblox, and at school I like ST Math. I love puzzles and I love to complete them.”

Favorite TV show: “Sonic the Hedgehog. He’s super fast.”

Favorite movie: “Pikachu the Detective. He has superpowers.”

Ambition: “I want to be a soccer player because they can earn a lot of money. I want to help my family!”

What topics/things are you passionate about?: “Playing Roblox and playing soccer.”

What inspires you?: “My mom and dad inspire me the most!”

What three things can’t you live without?: “My mom, my dad and food!”

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