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About Us

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Police Department (CFPD)


The Cypress-Fairbanks ISD Police Department is a 24-hour a day full service law enforcement agency staffed by both TCOLE certified peace officers and civilian support personnel. We are dedicated to the safety and welfare of all students, faculty, staff and visitors to include the protection of both life and all district property and assets.

The Cypress-Fairbanks ISD Police Department's primary jurisdiction includes all the geographical territory within the contiguous boundaries of the District, as well as any property outside the District that is owned, leased, or otherwise under the control of the Board of Trustees.

Submit a Tip
Follow Up
Accident Reports

Physical Address: 11200A Telge Rd., Cypress, TX 77429

Department Phone Number
Campus or District Facility (Emergency in Progress) 832-237-CFPD  
Police Dispatch (Non-Emergency)   281-897-4337
Non-Emergency / Administrative Calls 281-897-6495 
Compliments / Concerns Please email The CFISD Police Department.



female crossing guard with vest holding up stop sign

Aug. 27, 2024—The CFISD police department will provide free crossing guard training for community volunteers working with homeowner associations (HOAs) and municipal utility districts (MUDs) who are interested in providing additional support throughout the community.