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History of CFPD

First Command Staff

CFISD Police Department's First Command Staff - June 2012

(L/R) Lieutenant Michael Benford, Sergeant Michael Schultz, Chief of Police Alan Bragg, Assistant Chief of Police Mike Baker, Captain Matthew Williams, Sergeant Jimmy Banks, Sergeant Joseph Sanders


CFISD Police Department’s “Original 19” Police Officers August 2012

(L/R first row) Officer Casey Davis, Officer Noel Garcia, Officer Marcus Lara, Officer Kurt Korenek, Officer Carol Kelly, Officer Stacey Berryman, Officer James Howard, Officer Faladrick Brown, 
(L/R second row) Officer Efrain Salazar, Officer Bob Tessier, Officer Thomas Collums, 
(L/R back row) Officer Eric Ward, Officer Travis Hanson, Officer Cameron Brewer, Officer Terrence Brooks, Officer Burl Jones, Officer Zachary DeLaRosa, Officer Shane Wallace (Not pictured) Officer Travis Culton


A 45-year veteran of law enforcement, now retired, Chief Alan Bragg was the first Chief of Police for the newly created Cypress-Fairbanks ISD Police Department.  Prior to being named Chief of Police for CFISD, he also served as a police officer in Wichita Falls, Texas, at Midwestern State University, Houston ISD, the Spring Independent School District in north Houston, and the Harris County Pct. 4 Constable’s Office.  Under Chief Bragg’s leadership, in February of 2017 the Cypress- Fairbanks ISD Police Department earned the coveted “Recognized” status through the Texas Police Chief’s Association’s Best Practices Program, and became the 138th Recognized police department in the State of Texas.  Chief Bragg’s innovative use of technology in law enforcement has been featured in articles, media reports, and school safety presentations nationwide.  Among his many accomplishments, Chief Bragg has also been a featured presenter at the National Summit on School Safety, as well as numerous school based law enforcement conferences across the country.  A graduate of the FBI National Academy, Chief Bragg holds both a Master Peace Officer Certification and a Police Instructor’s license through TCOLE.   Chief Bragg has also held multiple board positions throughout the state and Houston Region, to include the Texas School District Police Chiefs Association, Texas School Safety and Security Council, and the Houston Area Police Chief’s Association.  Currently Chief Bragg consults on a variety of school safety topics, and is widely regarded as a pioneer of school based law enforcement.