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Cypress Fairbanks Police Athletic League

Police Athletic League

The Cypress Fairbanks ISD Police Athletic League (CFPAL) works to serve the youth of Cypress Fairbanks ISD. CFPAL envisions providing guidance and leadership to ensure the safety of our youth, improve their lives, reduce crime, and better serve the community by building strong and trusting relationships.

Spring break enrichment and learning experiences are crucial to the academic success and positive development of young people. CFPAL Spring break Day Camps provides positive mentorship and supervision during high-risk spring break week.

Over the course of one week, students engage in a revolving schedule of academic enrichment, fun physical fitness activities, including team based athletic tournaments and sport fundamentals. 

Our programs promote:

  • Self-discipline
  • Self-respect
  • Self-confidence
  • Sportsmanship
  • Physical Fitness

The following programs are offered to all Cypress Fairbanks ISD middle school students:

  • Soccer
  • Baseball
  • Softball
  • Basketball

 Since all the programs are run by police officers and volunteers from the community, it improves community stability and builds lasting relationships. These programs allow students to be active and social, while having fun. All the athletic programs operating with the SAFETY of our students being the priority!

Officer M. Guerrero

Coordinator: Officer M. Guerrero 
Office: 832-237-2373