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Police Explorers Post #112

Explorers Cypress Fairbanks CFISD est. 2019


The Cypress-Fairbanks ISD Police Explorers program is an interactive, worksite-based career education program for CFISD students pursing a Law Enforcement career. The Law Enforcement Exploring program is an affiliate of the Boy Scouts of America.  Participants in the nationwide co-ed organization must be between 14-21 years of age. Many CFISD Police Explorer alumni successfully achieved positions in local and state law enforcement agencies.

The Police Explorers program promotes personal growth through character development, respect for the rule of law, physical fitness, good citizenship, and patriotism.

  • Mission:  Deliver character-building experiences and mentorship that allow youth to achieve their full potential in both life and work.
  • Vision:  Shape the workforce of tomorrow by engaging and mentoring today's youth in career and life-enhancing opportunities.
  • Promise:  Bring businesses and community leaders together to help young people reach their full potential.

CFISD Police Explorers Post 112 recruits young men and women in good standing in the community and in their school. Additional requirements include; good moral habits with no arrest or conviction records for serious offenses, a “C” average or better in school, and parental approval (for those under 18 years of age).

S. Melancon

Coordinator: Detective S. Evans-Blakeslee 
Office: 832-237-2373