CFISD Communication Messages
Please find below important information regarding:
- Libraries
- Anti-victimization
- Curriculum
- E-cigarettes
Parents/guardians of a high school student may opt their child into the Adult collection of books at their campus library by visiting the Parent Portal and selecting “opt-in”. The description of the Adult collection is also available there.
If you do not want your student to access the Adult collection, no action is needed. Your student will have default access to the Juvenile and Young Adult collections of books unless you have opted your student out of the library.
You can visit the Parent Portal at If you have any questions, please contact your campus librarian.
Texas law requires all Texas school districts to notify parents of their district’s decision regarding the instruction of topics related to the prevention of child abuse, family violence, dating violence, and sex trafficking. The district approved the instruction of these topics utilizing the Crime Stoppers-Safe School Institute curriculum for secondary school students along with other CFISD resources. The elementary school curriculum will use WHO (We Help Ourselves), developed by the Association of Mental Health America of Greater Dallas.
Each lesson will define the topic, provide resources, and share tools needed to obtain assistance if necessary. All materials are designed to meet student needs and are age-level appropriate. Materials used in each lesson can be viewed on the CFISD Guidance and Counseling web page. Specific instructions for viewing the materials in person, if desired, are located on the same page.
Parents/guardians must “opt-in” for their students to receive instruction in these topics. At least 14 days prior to the lessons being taught, a notification will be sent asking for students to either “opt-in” or “opt-out” of instruction. Should you decide to not allow your student to attend these informative sessions, an alternate plan will be created by the campus staff. There is no disciplinary action or academic penalty imposed.
If you have any questions, please contact your campus counselor.
Through the SCOPE (Securing Children Online through Parental Empowerment) Act, parents have the right to direct and informed consent over their child's access to digital tools, software, and applications. Please visit the SCOPE Act web page for a clear explanation of the SCOPE Act and a list of software your child will be using as part of the CFISD curriculum. The Student Approved Software Lists are organized by grade level.
If you have any questions, please contact the Customer Care Center at 281-897-4357.
Texas law mandates that any student found in possession of, using, selling, giving, or delivering an e-cigarette (a vape device) on school premises or at any school-affiliated event must receive a discipline consequence at the District’s Alternative Education Program.
How this might impact your student:
- If your student possesses an e-cigarette (even if it contains nothing) or any component, part or accessory for any vaping device while on school grounds or at a school-related event, they will be recommended for a mandatory placement at the Alternative Learning Center (ALC) or Special Opportunity School (SOS).
- It is important to note your student assumes responsibility for any item knowingly within their possession, even if it is not their own.
- When at the ALC/SOS, your student is not able to participate in any school activities. Furthermore, they may face removal from specific student clubs or organizations as stipulated by each organization's rules and regulations.
- Students with ALC placements do not qualify for semester exam exemptions.
- Transportation is not provided to ALC or SOS.
Parent/Guardian's next steps:
- Please talk with your student to ensure they are informed about the law.
- Prompt your student to be aware of the contents of their backpack, vehicle, and personal belongings.
- Remind your student not to allow friends to store prohibited items, such as e-cigarettes, in their backpack or vehicle, and discourage them from holding such items on behalf of others.
- Talk with your student regarding the adverse health effects of vaping.
We appreciate your cooperation and support in ensuring that Cypress-Fairbanks ISD remains a safe, healthy, and thriving educational environment for all students. If you have any questions, please contact your campus administration.
Important update regarding Monday, July 15:
Moore Elementary School students attending ESY at Moore Elementary School will be relocated to Rennell Elementary School, located at 19500 Tuckerton Road, Cypress, TX 77433, beginning Monday, July 15, for the duration of ESY through Tuesday, July 30. The daily hours will remain the same.
- Students attending Moore and currently receiving CFISD transportation services will continue to receive transportation to and from Rennell.
- Students who are designated as car riders will need to be transported to and from Rennell by personal transportation.
- Students receiving free and reduced meals during the regular school year are eligible to receive these services for the 2nd session of ESY.
- All other students who choose to purchase a meal will pay $1 for breakfast and $2.25 for lunch.
- Truitt Middle School students attending summer school at Truitt Middle School will be relocated to Anthony Middle School, located at 10215 Greenhouse Road, Cypress, TX 77433, beginning Monday, July 15 for the duration of the program. The daily hours will remain the same.
- Students will need to be transported to and from Anthony by personal transportation.
- Jersey Village High School students attending Algebra Camp at Jersey Village High School will be relocated to Cypress Park High School for the duration of the program.
- Students currently receiving CFISD transportation services will continue to receive transportation to and from Cypress Park. Bus stop pick-ups will be 15 minutes earlier than the previous time.
- Students who are car riders should report to Jersey Village to pick up the shuttle. The shuttle will leave Jersey Village at 7:00 a.m. At the end of the day, shuttled students will return to Jersey Village for parent pick up at 2:15 p.m.
- Anthony Middle School, Cypress Creek High School, Cypress Park High School, Cypress Ridge High School: All students attending summer programs at these schools should report to their regular site on Monday, July 15.
- Camp Captivate, Club Rewind Summer Camp, and ELC2 will operate on Monday, July 15 as previously scheduled.
There has been significant progress in the restoration of power at our campuses and facilities. We are optimistic that all campuses will be restored by Monday. At this time, all summer school classes, camps, and activities will resume on Monday. If power is not restored, you will be notified by noon on Sunday of any changes.
All summer school classes will conclude on the originally scheduled date with the exception of high school original and makeup credit courses at Cypress Creek High School and Cypress Ridge High School. The last day of class for high school makeup credit courses will be Wednesday, July 17 and high school original credit courses will be Friday, July 19.
All staff scheduled to work per duty calendar should report to their assigned buildings on Monday with the 10-hour work day as previously scheduled.
Thank you for your patience and understanding during this challenging time.
- All summer school and student activities are canceled for Thursday, July 11, due to ongoing power outages at our campuses.
- All campuses will remain closed on Thursday.
- All non-campus staff scheduled to work per duty calendar should report to their assigned buildings with the 10-hour work day as previously scheduled.
- CFISD will be closed on Friday, July 12, according to the regular summer calendar.
We look forward to resuming all summer school and student programs on Monday. Additional changes will be communicated through the program sponsors. Thank you so much for your continued patience during this challenging time.
All CFISD schools and facilities will be closed again on Tuesday, July 9 due to widespread power outages and the amount of debris on roads. Thank you for your patience as CFISD and the entire Cy-Fair community continue to recover from Hurricane Beryl. Please stay safe!
CFISD Communication