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About Us

site-bread BREADCRUMB


The Maintenance Department provides a safe and comfortable environment that is conducive to teaching and learning. We strive to keep all Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District buildings in the best condition possible in the most cost effective way.

The Maintenance Department maintains over 15.5 million sq. ft. (123 total facilities and 281 portable buildings) inside and outside, including roofing, plumbing, electrical, HVAC, carpentry/masonry, metal work, painting, carpet, sound systems, fire alarm systems, lockers, and locks. Work in each of these areas is accomplished by licensed and highly trained craft personnel.

The Maintenance Department completes an average of over 55,000 work orders per year, which may involve everything from a small repair of an electrical plug, to moving walls, or installing computer labs.

A work order may require three or four different maintenance crafts to complete and may involve from 15 minutes to several weeks of labor.

Maintenance is responsible for seven wastewater lift stations throughout the District. These are operated in compliance with numerous local, state, and federal regulations.

The Maintenance Department evaluates and provides input to the Facilities Planning Department on construction materials for new buildings and major renovations.

In addition, the Maintenance Department performs renovations and PTO projects, such as moving walls, constructing furniture for special needs students, redesigning offices, etc.

The grounds department maintains 87 athletic fields and paint over 48 miles of field lines each week during the fall football season. They mow over 1,200 acres and edge over 50 miles of sidewalks, esplanades and parking lots weekly.

11430 A Perry Road
Houston, TX 77064

Scott Vanderzyden
Director of Maintenance

Michael Thompson
Grounds Supervisor

Carey Ramsey
MEP Supervisor

Russell Rucker
Crafts Supervisor

James McGee
HVAC Supervisor