Professional Learning
The Professional Learning department is committed to providing support, building capacity, and cultivating talent by partnering with departments across the district to provide research-based professional development that can translate into improved student achievement and overall school effectiveness.
The team offers educators a continuum of support services through multiple professional learning opportunities. From new teacher induction and mentoring to the teacher appraisal process, leadership development, and Quantum Learning, the Professional Learning staff strives to provide high-quality, job-embedded professional learning for all stages of professional growth. The essential functions of the department are as follows:
- Cypress-Fairbanks Professional Growth System (CFPGS)
- New Teacher Induction and Mentoring
- Teacher Appraisal Process
- Districtwide Professional Development
- Leadership Symposium
- Leadership Institute Series, including New Teacher Institute, Teacher Leader Institute, New Administrator Institute, Learning Leader Institute, and Cy-Fair Presenter Institute.
- Quantum Learning
- ASCD Witsby
- Graduate Cohorts and Resources
Glenda Horner, Ed.D.
Director for Professional Learning
Torine Champion, Ed.D.
Coordinator for Professional Learning
Tonya Dixon, Ed.D.
Professional Learning Specialist
Belinda Sepulveda
Admin. Assistant to Director for Professional Learning
Pat Bice
Admin. Assistant for Professional Learning