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Adjunctive Experiences

Family Interaction Training Clinic:

Through the Family Interaction Training (FIT) Clinic, interns provide parent training and behavior consultation services in the evening one day a week to families from the district. The Clinic’s time-limited treatment program is rendered at minimal cost to families and uses evidence-based interventions, such as Parent Management Training and Incredible Years. Throughout the year, interns play an integral role in referral review, case selection, treatment planning, and progress monitoring. Further, interns receive direct training in providing supervision, as they are provided with dedicated training in the area and paired with peer supervisors. Clinic services are supervised by Licensed Psychologists in vivo (via a one-way mirror), through video monitoring, and during weekly small group supervision meetings.

Write Club:

Write Club is the CFISD Psychology Department’s research group with the primary goal to improve clinical services provided to students and their families, while also enriching the training experience of psychology trainees and the practice of staff members. Write Club provides interns didactics concerning best practices in program evaluation, using data to inform practice, and dissemination/sustainability of projects and programs in schools. Throughout the year, interns may work on action-based research projects. Members meet regularly to discuss their research interests, review journal articles, and monitor the progress of ongoing projects.

Council of Houston Area Training Sites (CHATS):

CHATS is a consortium of Houston area APA-accredited intern sites, comprised of the Baylor College of Medicine- Pediatrics; Baylor College of Medicine- Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences; Cypress-Fairbanks I.S.D.; Harris County Juvenile Probation Department; Michael E. DeBakey Veterans Affairs Medical Center, University of Houston Counseling & Psychological Services; University of Houston, Clear Lake Counseling Services; and the University of Texas Health Science Center McGovern Medical School.  Approximately seven times throughout the internship year, interns attend didactic training and networking workshops hosted by CHATS and training sites. 

Diversity Seminar:

This seminar is aimed at strengthening cultural self-awareness, competence, sensitivity and critical thinking. To help achieve these goals, a total of four self-awareness and self-reflection activities will be completed.

Parent Training:

Interns have the opportunity to participate by co-leading a three-week parenting course within the district one or both semesters during their intern training year. Interns work together under the supervision of a psychological service members to provide information to parents on a variety of topics related to supporting the needs of students at home and within the community. Two different courses are offered, a pre-school/elementary age focused course titled “Building Positive Behaviors: Parenting Our Children” based on the work of Dr. Alan Kazdin and his book The Kazdin Method for Parenting the Defiant Child, and a secondary age focused course titled “Parenting Your Teenage Student: Transition & Change” based on the work of Dr. Thomas Phelan and his book 1-2-3- Teen Magic as well as other evidence-based resources.