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Online Auctions

For questions or assistance, contact Orlando Garcia, Director of Support Services, at 281-897-4131.

CFISD surplus property (items that are obsolete or beyond repair) is sold through an online auction process. This is done in compliance with State law and CFISD School Board policy. (All CFISD employees who wish to purchase surplus items for personal use must purchase them on the auction site.)

Auctions are held randomly throughout the year, warranted by the volume of collected items. Interested parties should check for auction advertisements in the Houston Chronicle, periodically visit the CFISD auction website or contact Lemons Auctioneers at for information about upcoming sale dates. 

Payments for auctioned items are made directly to the auctioneer and the net proceeds are forwarded to the CFISD Finance Department. An auction bidder is therefore subject to the online auctioneers’ terms and conditions, as well as the following guidelines: