Title: Barbara Lotze Scholarship for Future Physics Teachers
Due Date: Dec. 1, 2024
Award Amount: $3,000
Summary: The AAPT Executive Board offers scholarships for future high school physics teachers. These scholarships, supported by an endowment funded by Barbara Lotze, are available only to U.S. citizens attending U.S. schools.
Website: https://www.aapt.org/Programs/grants/lotze.cfm
Eligibility: Applicants must declare their intent to prepare for, and engage in, a career in physics teaching at the high school level and must, at the time the scholarship funds are received by the student, be an undergraduate student enrolled in an accredited two-year college, four-year college or a university; or a high school senior accepted for such enrollment; pursuing, or planning to pursue, a course of study leading toward a career in physics teaching in the high schools; showing promise of success in their studies, and a citizen of the United States of America.