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2017-2018 News

2017-2018 News

New Matzke ES Campus
May 10, 2018— The replacement campus of Matzke Elementary School, opened in August 2017 on Mills Road, and was funded by the 2014 Bond package. The $26.744 million project was designed by PBK and built by Purcell Construction, Inc., and sits near Cypress Creek High School.
  • 20172018
  • Matzke
  • bond
  • construction
Bang Elementary School kindergarten students Callie Romero, left, and Isaac Garcia play Osmo on a cl
May 3, 2018—The $1.2 billion Bond package passed in 2014 saw upgrades in all corners of CFISD. That includes inside every classroom, as the Bond-funded Lightspeed sound enhancement technology will be in every class across the district’s 91 campuses by the end of 2018.
  • 20172018
  • Bang
  • Bridgeland
  • Woodard
  • bond
safety station in front of school
April 26, 2018—Among the more visible upgrades are the emergency call boxes. Each secondary campus (middle schools and high schools) has two of the tall blue towers, which feature a call button and speaker and dial directly to CFISD police dispatchers.
  • 20172018
  • CFPD
  • Police
  • all middle schools
  • athletics
  • bond
Francone ES
April 19, 2018—Thanks in large part to voter-approved Bond packages – the most recent passing in 2014 – CFISD has been able to help take care of existing facilities, one being Francone Elementary School (11250 Perry Road). The 40-year-old campus received major renovations and additions completed in time for the 2017-2018 school year.