Scott Henry
Mr. Scott Henry
President, Position 6
Term: November 2021-November 2025
Board Committee(s): Policy Review
Scott Henry has served on the CFISD Board of Trustees since 2021 and was elected to his first term in November 2021. A 17-year resident of CFISD, Mr. Henry lives in the Stablewood Farms subdivision with his wife, Jennifer, and daughter, Audrey. He has two other children who are graduates of CFISD schools.
Mr. Henry currently serves as a volunteer at Goodson Middle School. In the past, he has participated in the Watch DOGS program, in-school reading programs, Junior Achievement and been a homeroom mom helper.
In addition to his work with the school district, he serves as vice president for the Stablewood Farms Home Owners Association, is director of Municipal Utility District No. 389 and is a part of InfraGard—a public-private partnership between U.S. businesses and the FBI.