Purpose: To serve on Acquisition and/or Library Material Reconsideration Committees as a parent representative. Parents/Guardians on this committee will serve as needed on reconsideration committees as outlined in EFB (Local) and Regulation. There are two types of reconsiderations: Acquisition Reconsiderations (library materials not yet purchased/acquired by the district) and Library Materials Reconsiderations (library materials currently in campus libraries). When formal reconsiderations are received, the Library Coordinator will assemble a committee to make a determination about the material. Members are required to attend training, read all EFB policies and regulation, read the challenged material in its entirety, attend the committee meeting, actively participate in the discussion, and contribute to the committee’s determination on the material. Once a parent/guardian has served on a reconsideration committee, s/he will be moved to the back of the rotation order. Members will represent different geographic areas of the district.