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Charlotte Davis Burns Science Resource Center (SRC)


The mission of the Charlotte Davis Burns Science Resource Center is to support and enrich the science program in Cypress-Fairbanks I.S.D. so that our graduates will achieve the goal of scientific literacy. 


Volunteer Opportunities

  • Scheduled deliveries of materials to schools
  • Lab kit prep - cut, count and bag materials for lab kits used in science classrooms
  • Gardening - our many gardens are constantly in need of weeding
  • Field trips - assist with Animal Odyssey, Gulf Mysteries, EcoAdventure and for 3rd & 5th grade nature trails
  • Demo Training
  • List of Donations/Materials Needed
  • Big Events (These dates may change due to a variety of circumstances.  Please call the school to confirm.)


Good Pet Owner - Good Pet Owner- Pre-K students are taught ways to take good care of pets. Students will observe various live animals as examples of pets while discussing the unique care needed for each type of animal. Students will also identify ways that pets depend on care from an owner to get food, water, shelter, and care to stay healthy.

Animal Odyssey - Each school may schedule a 2-hour teacher led field trip for kindergarten students. The students visit stations to learn characteristics of fish, reptiles, birds, and small mammals and will see live examples of each. Volunteers may be trained to assist teachers at the station of their choice.

Gulf Mysteries – This field trip for the 1st graders is run by teachers. Students explore the Gulf of Mexico and learn about its inhabitants. Plants and animals living in this ocean environment have many interesting adaptations that allow their needs to be met. Students will also identify various ways living organisms depend on each other and the environment. Volunteer training is not required.

EcoAdventure - This field trip for the 2nd graders is run by teachers and provides instruction about different habitats and the plants and animals found in each one. The students will make a variety of plant and animal models to take home with them. Volunteer training is not required.

3rd Grade Nature Trails –Every 3rd grader visits the nature trails to learn about a forest ecosystem including the weather and plants and animals found there. Volunteers may run a station or assist a teacher at a station. Training for volunteers at a station is required.

5th Grade Nature Trails – Every 5th grader visits the nature trails to participate in a variety of environmental activities to learn about plant and animal life found in the trees, on the ground, and in the pond. Volunteers may run a station or assist a teacher at a station. Training for volunteers at a station is required.

7:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.

Download Map to SRC 


SRC Staff

Front Desk:

281-897-4311 Fax

Amy Wentzel
Demos, Order Processing

David Wallace
Donations, Student Volunteers, Tours, VIPS

Lab Technicians:

Raymond Anderson
Animal lab

Lindsay Belke
Animal lab, Online orders, Planetariums

Jessie Garza 
Animal lab

Britney Watkins
Animal lab, Online orders, Planetariums

Animal Lab: