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Back-to-School Guide


We look forward to welcoming students back to school on Monday, Aug. 19!

ride 360

SchoolMessenger is CFISD's emergency notification system. Stay informed with important school messages in the palm of your hand! Opt in today for SMS notifications. Text "Y" to 67587.Opt in today for SMS notifications!

Home Access Center allows parents and students to view student registration, scheduling, attendance, classwork assignments and grade information. Log in via the parent or student portal.
Volunteers in Public Schools (VIPS) participating in Cypress-Fairbanks ISD schools make a significant contribution to the education of children. Each school year, thousands of volunteers donate hundreds of thousands of hours of service to the school district.
The CFISD Mentor Program is a partnership with volunteers from businesses, faith-based organizations, non-profit organizations, the community and CFISD to encourage students (elementary through high school) to finish school and focus on future education and career goals.
Club Rewind
Club Rewind is the before/after-school care program designed by CFISD and located at each elementary campus for eligible Pre-K through 5th grade students. The program is fee-based and offers morning care, afternoon care and a combination of both.