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Subpoenas for Student Records

As of 7-1-24, all subpoenas for current or former student records should be served to our District’s custodian of records, Scott Tucker, Director of General Administration and Records. 

His office address is 11330 Falcon Road, Houston, TX.  Please call to confirm his availability, 281-807-8140. 

Subpoenas for records only can be emailed to

Service of Subpoenas for Appearance

Subpoenas for personal appearance in civil court must be served to the individual named on the subpoena and must include a witness fee.  District employees including teachers, counselors and principals will not be pulled from instruction or other duties to accept service, and will not be called to the reception area to accept service.  Service will need to be accomplished before or after the work day, or during an off period.

Subpoenas for personal appearance in criminal or JP court can be delivered in person, submitted electronically or via certified mail.