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Millsap ES, Discovery Church Cypress establish Adopt-a-School partnership

Representatives from Discovery Church, Millsap ES, and CFISD community engagement announce partnership.
Sam Reynolds, pastor of Discovery Church Cypress, third from right, and Joy Dauphin, Millsap Elementary School principal, fourth from left, hold commemorative Adopt-a-School certificates as the campus and community partner announced on Feb. 19 that they officially entered into an adoption partnership. They were joined by Discovery Church Cypress representatives and Dawn Tryon, CFISD director of community engagement, far right. 

Feb. 23, 2024—Representatives from Discovery Church Cypress visited the staff at Millsap Elementary School on Feb. 19 to officially announce their Adopt-a-School partnership with the campus.

CFISD’s Adopt-a-School program pairs schools with community organizations and business partners to utilize resources of the community to strengthen and enrich the quality of education for students.

Sam Reynolds, pastor at Discovery Church Cypress, shared that adopting Millsap supports their goal to get involved in the community.

Discovery Church Cypress enters partnership agreement with Millsap ES.
Sam Reynolds, pastor of Discovery Church Cypress, right, signs an Adopt-a-School partnership agreement after the community partner announced its official partnership with Millsap Elementary School on Feb. 19. Reynolds was joined by Briana Reynolds, co-pastor of Discovery Church Cypress, left, and Joy Dauphin, Millsap Elementary School principal, center.

“At Discovery Church, one of our desires is to bring support and value to our community,” Reynolds said. “Our sincere belief is that every soul matters and that each person is incredibly valuable. Through a partnership with Millsap, we want to come alongside their faculty to support in any way we can to ensure that each student is celebrated for their unique giftings, talents and abilities.”

Joy Dauphin, Millsap principal, expressed her gratitude to Discovery Church for committing to help support the campus.

“The Millsap Mustangs are so grateful for the generous support and partnership of Discovery Church, as their adoption of our school not only supports our current students and staff but connects our school with the surrounding community,” Dauphin said. “Together, we are stronger so that every child can benefit.”

For more information on the Adopt-a-School program, contact Dawn Tryon, director of community engagement, at 281-894-3950 or