• 1) How do I find out which bus I ride?

  • 2) What do I do when I return to school after an absence?

  • 3) What should I do if I need to leave school early?

  • 4) What do I do if I need to miss school to visit a College or University?

  • 5) What is the policy for being tardy?

  • 6) What is an EA (Excessive Absence)?

  • 7) Where do I go to get advice about schedules changes, personal issues, college, trade schools, scholarships, etc.?

  • 8) How do parents sign in to the Home Access Center (HAC) to see student grades?

  • 9) Where can a student get a parking permit?

  • 10) How can students get a locker?

  • 11) Where do I go to pay a fee or fine?

  • 12) How is prescribed medication handled at school?

  • 13) How do I join a club or organization at school?

  • 14) If I cannot attend my assigned discipline assignment on Saturday what do I do?

  • 15) What is the procedure for riding the late bus?