• Dr. Stascia Hardy

    She is a firm believer that human beings can be positive change agents if we take the time to see beyond ourselves. For 30 years, she has devoted herself to educating children and teachers. She was a secondary English teacher for 13 years, a school administrator for 9 years, and a K-12 English Curriculum Specialist for 4 years. She has a Master's degree in Curriculum and Instruction and an Education Specialist and Doctorate degree in Education Leadership. Her education focus now is being a full-time Leadership and Instruction Coach for The Center for Model Schools, a division of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, delivering instructional coaching and strategies to principals and teachers nationwide. 

    Also, as Chief Academic Strategist for CareerXPL, she supports teachers in all educational endeavors. My belief is that if teachers are valued, prepared, and given proper resources, the children will reap the benefits. The opposite is true if teachers are devalued and deal with scarcity. Teaching is a noble profession and those who choose it, deserve respect.